My Top 10 Pet Peeves.
Hope you are doing well today. Now everyone definitely has a few pet peeves. What is a pet peeve you ask? It is something that a particular person finds especially annoying.

My 10 Pet Peeves...
- Loud chewing, or people chewing with their mouth open.
Like why..? Its not that hard to chew with your mouth closed. It really annoys me and IT IS DISGUSTING!
- People who eat food off your plate without asking first.
Its my food and you cant eat it without asking.... unless you are a really close friend.
- People who use unnecessary hashtags on their pictures.
- People who walk slowly or stop suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk.
Uh HELLO!!! You are not the only one walking here. we have places to go and things to get done.
- Misspelling my name.
OK.. If you are someone new and cant spell my name.. I get it. But if you already know me and wrote my name many time and still gets it wrong.. you are gone.
- People who talk over you when you're clearly still in the middle of the sentence.
Don't ever EVER EVERRRR interrupt me. Like cant you see I was already talking?
- When people copy your idea but get credit for it.
It is really really really annoying.... Don't do that to anyone. PLEASE!
(When you see someone copied your work and got full credits for it.)
- Talking during the movie.
First of all, I'm trying to watch a movie and don't disturb me. Secondly, there are 50% chances you may spoil the next scene or the ending.
- Stinky feet.
That sibling who takes his shoes off and sit there with their feet close to you without washing them. NO.... I JUST HAD MY DINNER!!
Comment below whats your biggest pet peeve and share it with people who you think can relate. I really hope you liked it. Thank you!